UTR Rating For Australians Under 13 Years Of Age

UTR Sports has had a deep and strong partnership with Tennis Australia (TA) since its inception. With the recent adoption of the UTR Rating as the official rating of Australia by TA, they have been investing in providing the right tools to aid the development and enjoyment of our sport for all players. As part of their recent review of the competitive landscape in Australia, one of the recommendations was that only a limited rating should be provided to players under the age of 13 to encourage these young players to emphasize developing their skills and less on a fully detailed two-decimal rating.

  • Players who don’t have a DOB in our system will show as UnRated (UR) for both Free and Power subscribers

Pro tip: You can confirm if your DOB is saved in your system through the "Edit Profile" page of your profile or you can contact our support team here for help in updating this information.

  • Players below 10 years old will have a whole number rating when viewing their own and other profiles
  • Players aged between 10 and 12 will have 1 decimal rating when viewing their own profile as Free subscribers

  • Players aged 13 and up will have two decimal ratings viewing their own profile as Free subscribers

Note: All Free subscribers will show a whole number rating when viewing other profiles while Power Players will have access to 2 decimal rating in viewing all profiles regardless of age

We apologize that this change was not communicated to you ahead of being implemented in the UTR Sports web app last week. We recognize and understand the questions and concerns that many of you have raised including those raised by power subscribers and are working to resolve them quickly with Tennis Australia.

We will update our community as soon as we have anything further to share with you. For further information in relation to the new Australian competitive play landscape, you can visit https://www.tennis.com.au/competitiveplay or https://www.utrsports.net/pages/australia

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