How Do I Cancel My Power Player Subscription?

We are so sad to see you leave us and we understand everyone has their reasons for canceling a subscription. If you have any questions about your subscription or have some feedback to offer, we would love to hear from you. Click here to reach out to us. 

In order to cancel your Power Player Subscription, please first click your profile icon at the top right to access the main menu. Next, click "Subscriptions".

On the "Subscriptions" page, click your plan. You will then see the "Cancel Subscription" link under the "Change Card" box. Click the link and you will have your subscription canceled. 

If you can't locate the cancel link, please reach out to us by clicking here. Once you have canceled your subscription, your account will complete your billing cycle and won't continue to charge the next month or next year if you have an annual subscription.

Want to know more about managing your subscription?

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