NEW - UTR Sports Flex Leagues 2025 Australian National Points Race!

Australia Flex Leagues Points Race - Play & Earn Towards Hundreds of Prizes

Click here to find a Flex League Points Race event near you!

Points Scoring System:

Points will be earned for matches played during the Australia Flex Leagues Points Race event with a start date between March 5th - May 20th.

How do I earn Points?

By registering for Flex League event sessions during the qualified event period, completing your matches within the league session, referring events to the league, winning matches, and more!

  • 4 points for each league session registered
  • 4 points for each match completed (with scores posted and confirmed)
    • 4 bonus points for completing all 4 matches, challenge matches included
  • 2 points for each match won
  • 2 points for early league registration (defined as 7 days prior to the event start date)
    • If a league start date is moved, that new start date will apply
  • 10 points for Social Media posts on Instagram or Facebook (Max 10 points)
    • Post must be a photo/video at one of your Flex League matches using the tag @utr_sports and #UTRFlexPointsRace
    • i.e. photo of you and your opponent, match court, video of points, scoreboard, etc.
    • Players must submit their posts here in order to receive points. Social post points will be added at the end of the Points Race competition
    • Can be submitted HERE

Note: All points for social media posts will be added at the end of the AUS Points Race and reflected at that time. 


Grand Prize:

  • Win a trip for two (2) to the 2026 AUS Open. Includes transportation and lodging (for a value up to $2,000 USD). Travel to be arranged by UTR Sports. AO tickets will be for two sessions for two people, with more information to follow as details are available later in the year.

1st Place

  • 2 AUS Open tickets (1 session), $250 gift card (TBD), Power subscription, Fabletics Gym Bag & Apparel (top & bottoms), reel of string, racquet of your choice, 12 grip pack

2nd Place

  • 2 AUS Open tickets (1 session), $175 gift card (TBD), Power subscription, Fabletics Gym Bag & Apparel (top & bottoms), reel of string, racquet of your choice

3rd Place

  • 2 AUS Open tickets (1 session), $150 gift card (tbd), Power subscription, Fabletics Gym Bag & Apparel (top & bottoms), reel of string, 12 grip pack

4th-10th Place

  • $100 gift card (TBD), Power subscription, Fabletics Belt Bag & Apparel (top & bottoms), UTR Sports hat, 3 sets of string, 3 grips

11th-25th Place

  • $25 gift card (TBD), Power subscription, Fabletics Belt Bag & Apparel (top & bottoms), UTR Sports hat, 3 sets of string, 3 grip pack

How are winners and prizes decided?

NEW! Players can now earn prizes this summer in two different ways:

  1. Finishing in the Top 25 on the Australian National Summer Points Race Leaderboard - Players who finish in the Top 25 Standings List Leaderboard at the completion of the Flex Leagues National Summer Points Race will receive prizes. Leaderboards will be updated starting two weeks after the March 5th start date.
  2. Grand Prize Winner Selection - all you need to do is register for at least 1 Flex League Points Race event to be eligible! The number of points you've earned throughout the race will be how many Grand Prize entries you will receive

*Participants must complete a minimum of 3 matches in order to be eligible for the Grand Prize selection*

Rules & Regulations:

  • A maximum of 3 Points Race events will count toward your total points
  • Only singles division match results will count toward the Points Race
  • Any player(s) that are reported to have purposely lost a match so an opponent can gain points will be subject to disqualification
  • Walkovers will not count toward the Points Race standings. You must utilize the challenge system to gain additional matches. In the case of injured or withdrawn opponents, you may reach out to [email protected] to help set up your additional needed matches
  • If a player plays more than four (4) singles matches in a league session, the first four (4) matches in order of the dates played will count toward their Points Race total. Players must submit matches with the correct dates inputted
  • Challenge matches may count towards your total points
  • The final date to play a match is 7 days after your current Flex League session's end date. Any matches completed after this date will not count towards your points total
  • Players who compete in more than 3 Flex League session events during the Points Race period will have their 3 highest individual league sessions counted towards their points total
  • If players are tied in the standings at the completion of the Points Race, rank order will be determined by:
    1. % of games won vs. games played
    2. % of sets won vs. sets played
    3. The number of new players referred
  • UTR Sports has the right to make the final decisions on any and all Flex League match rulings and situations that impact points distributions

Click here to view the Official Rules and Eligibility for the Australian National Summer Points Race.

Click here to find a Flex League Australian Points Race event near you!

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