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Permissions: Coaches vs Providers

Coaches and Providers can be listed on a school's page. Here is a quick breakdown of the differences: 


  • High schools can have their Coaches on their Team Page.
  • Listing a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Captain, Volunteer Coach, or Volunteer Assistant Coach can be done by the Provider from the Team's Main Page. The 'Manage Coaches' link is on the right side as shown below.

Note: Assigning these titles does NOT grant permission to make changes on the page, create events, etc. You must be a Head Provider or Provider to manage the roster or add match results.


  • High schools can have a total of six Providers, including two Head Providers. 
  • The Head Providers have the ability to add additional Providers for your school page. 
  • Head Providers and Providers alike can create events, and draws, update the roster, and post scores.

How to assign additional Providers?

On your team page, next to the 'Post Scores' button click the More button. You will then get the option 'Add Providers.'

Next, type in the email of the provider you would like to add to your school page. Make sure to enter the correct email that the provider has connected to their activated UTR Sports account. If the email is not correct, the provider won't be added to the school. Click 'Add Providers' once you have completed entering the email for the providers you would like to add.

Tip: You can also make a member of your club a provider by going to the 'Members' tab on your team page and clicking the More button. This will give you the option to make the member a provider.

How to Change a Provider to Head Provider?

To change a provider to a Head Provider for your school, please go to your school page. Click the 'Members' tab at the bottom. Next, click the More button next to the provider's name. You will then be able to select from the drop-down menu 'Make Head Provider.'

Want to know more about the UTR Sports High School system or Providers?

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