UTR Sports Marketing 101

Let’s dive deeper into promoting your club and upcoming events to your members and the local community. UTR Sports offers several marketing support options that you can utilize to help spread the word!

  • Targeted Emails: Our Marketing Team sends out UTR Sports Event Alert emails featuring all upcoming events. These emails are distributed based on a player's preferences and events will be featured 1 week out from your event registration deadline. To ensure your event is included, keep it public and set a registration close date at least a week out. For example, if your event is on August 8th-9th with a registration close date of August 6th, this event will be featured in our mailers on July 31st, provided the registration is open before that date.
  • Invite Member Tool: Use our Invite Member tool to enter your player email database and invite them to join your UTR Sports Digital Club.

  • Share Your Event Link: Send players the direct link to your event homepage so they can easily register for your upcoming events.

Reach out to our Support Team with any additional questions regarding marketing your events!

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