How do I open registration for players who missed the deadline?

If you have additional players who would like to register, you can add them by re-opening registration. We suggest adding either a password or PIN code to the registration so only the players who missed the deadline are able to register. 

In order to re-open registration and add a password or PIN code to the registration follow the steps below:

1. Click the Edit button on the event page and select Step 1: Format & Schedule

2. Edit the registration dates to open registration.

Pro tip: You can set the registration end date 30 minutes before the event end date.

3. If you don't wish to add a password or PIN code to the registration just select Update in the top right corner of the screen and you'll registration will remain open until it closes again.  If you wish to add either a password or PIN code to your registration click Next at the bottom of the screen.  

4. Once you land on Step 3: Details. This step will allow you to add a password or PIN code to your registration.

5. Enter the password or PIN code you would like to use into the text box and click Update.

6. Once all the players who missed the deadline have registered, click Edit on the event page, select Step 1: Format & Schedule, and close the registration (as seen in Steps 1 and 2).  

Need more help managing your event? Click here!

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