Adding Weather Updates to Events

The new weather update feature on the events page is designed to empower organizers with timely information for making important decisions regarding event scheduling, postponements, or cancellations. This feature also facilitates efficient resource management, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players.

To begin, click the Actions button at the top of the event page, then choose "Add Weather Update". A pop-up box will appear, providing providers with a free-flowing text box to report event changes.

Once you're finished, click submit. The weather update will appear on the right side of the event page, below the event provider's information. The most recent update will be displayed at the top, along with the date and time stamp.

Pro-tip: To ensure players see the weather update, use the "Message Players" feature and encourage them to check the event for weather updates.

How to delete/edit the weather update?

Click the "Edit" or "Delete" button next to the advisory you would like to make changes. When changes are made, the timestamp will be automatically updated, and the advisory will be relocated to the top.

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