Managing Doubles Registration


In doubles, when you've set registration to "pay as a team", you can see which partner registered and paid for the event by clicking the "Players" tab on your event page. Then, choose your doubles division from the dropdown (if there's more than one division). You'll see the list of teams currently registered, and the player listed first (at the top of each team card) is the one who registered and paid for the team. For example, Renee at UTR Sports registered and paid for their teams here. So, if you were to refund this team, Renee at UTR Sports would receive money back because Alex at UTR Sports didn't pay.

Pro Tip: Since the players have registered as a team, both players will be withdrawn at the same time too.


Take note of the following registration status:

  • Registered: completed and paid registration
  • Pending: waiting to complete registration (won't show in Event Desk when creating draws)

  • Invited: does not have an activated UTR profile (placed on the Waitlist until the partner has confirmed the invite)

Note: If registration closes before all invited players have a chance to pay and complete registration, they will be stuck in Pending status. Providers are encouraged to reopen the registration and contact players to complete the registration.


Players will be placed in the "Need Partner" category when: 

  • When a provider enables the "Allow player to register without a partner" option on the division creation.
  • The doubles team is registered in a separate player payment division, the player not withdrawn is still in the event and will get moved to the "Need Partner" section regardless of whether the "Allow player to register without a partner" option is enabled.

To assign a player with a partner, click the 3 dots on the right side of the player and select "manage", all players who do not have a partner will be listed on the drop-down box. Once done, the newly created team will be moved to the Main category.

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