Cancel and Duplicate UTR Sports Event


First, you will want to contact all players who are currently registered for the event and let them know of the cancellation. To do this, go to the event page, click on Actions, and select Message Players from the dropdown menu. This will allow you to send a message to everyone at once, letting them know the event is cancelled.

After notifying players, you will also need to withdraw and refund all necessary players. To do so, click the three vertical dots by their name on the player list and choose Manage.

Within the Manage option you’ll be able to complete the following actions for the player Withdraw And Refund, Withdraw Without Refunding, or Refund Only:

Pro-Tip: If you are issuing a refund to a player across all divisions, ensure that the Player Entry fee is also refunded so that the player receives the full amount of their payment.

If no one ever registers for the event, you can delete it completely. (Please note, this won't work if people have registered for the event, even if you've now withdrawn them.) To Unpublish/Delete your event, click the "Manage Button" and click Unpublish Event.

After you have Unpublished your event, your event has now been canceled. If there were any registrants that you withdrew and refunded, the event will still show as an Unpublished event on your Club page - it will not be completely removed from the system.


This feature is perfect if you are hosting reoccurring events and need to quickly create the same event for different dates.

To duplicate an event, go to the homepage of the event you would like to duplicate. There, click the "Manage Button" and select "Duplicate Event".

There, you will be prompted on the next screen to edit any information that may be different for this particular event, such as the event dates and name.

Once you have adjusted the dates and changed any additional information particular to the new duplicated event, click "Publish" at the top right of the screen for the event to be viewable on for players to begin registering.    

For more information on events, click HERE.

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