Team Tennis Code of Conduct

The Purpose of the Code

We are committed to protecting the integrity of tennis and ensuring that we provide a safe, healthy, and positive environment to all members of our Team Tennis community.

All Team Tennis participants are bound by this Code of Conduct and other applicable policies held by UTR Sports. 

Expected Behaviors: 

The below details the expected behaviors of all participants. For the purposes of Team Tennis, participants include players, spectators, parents, officials, volunteers and permanent, temporary or contracted staff of UTR Sports, or any other person connected to a Team Tennis event if not defined above.

It is expected that participants at all times will:

  • Act with honesty and integrity respect the worth of others, and always maintain high personal behavior standards.
  • Compete to the best of their ability and use their best efforts during a match. 
  • Be a good sport. Respect all good plays, whether made by you, your team, or the opposition. Accept that with success, there will also be failures.
  • Treat all participants as you like to be treated. Do not bully, intimidate, or threaten another person, regardless of their position at the event.
  • Respect the rights and dignity of all participants regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background, or religion.
  • Read, understand, and comply with all of tennis’ standards, rules, regulations policies, and by-laws as amended from time to time. 
  • Not at any time directly or indirectly verbally abuse any official, player, sponsor, volunteer, spectator, or any other person(s) within the precincts of the event site. This extends to behaviors and conduct pertaining to racism, discrimination, sexism, and physical abuse.
  • Refrain from engaging in any behavior or conduct that would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of any person.

Players Must Not: 

  • At any time directly or indirectly verbally abuse any official, player, sponsor, volunteer, spectator or any other person(s) within the precincts of the event site. This extends to behaviors and conduct pertaining to racism, discrimination, sexism, and physical abuse.
  • Attempt to or successfully claim the profile of a player other than one’s self
  • Send inappropriate messages inside or outside of the UTR Sports platform
  • Impersonate another player or provider
  • Attempt to manipulate the UTR rating system, submit fraudulent results or any other form of relevant data in any way
  • Misuse of UTR Sports brand imagery or property without permission from UTR Sports

Players may be suspended or banned from UTR Sports events and/or use of the UTR Sports platform. In addition to the aforementioned the below behaviors and conduct can lead to suspension:

  • Unsportsmanlike Conduct: acts of violence, disrespectful behavior, cheating, illegal substance abuse, destruction of property, gambling activities, match-fixing/manipulation of games/results.
  • Best Efforts: ‘tanking’ of matches where a player intentionally performs at a lower standard to lose any aspect of the match (including points, games, and sets).
  • Improper withdrawal and/or defaults. Appropriate notice must be given to the provider or relevant person at a time specified in the Rules and Regulations.

Grievance Procedure

All grievances must be in writing to the, clearly stating the date, time, and nature of the alleged breach of this Code. 

All grievances must be received within 48 hours of the league end date (per regular season) or playoffs end date. Any grievances received outside of this timeframe will not be considered or accepted. 

The Team Tennis Leadership Team will notify the person (player, spectator, or similar) of the alleged breach of this Code. 

The grievance will be considered within a reasonable timeframe by the Team Tennis Leadership Team who will investigate the claim using whatever methods are deemed appropriate.

In making a decision the Team Tennis Leadership Team will determine on the material evidence reviewed at the time that there is a reasonable suspicion that the alleged breach has occurred. The Team Tennis Leadership Team does not need to prove beyond reasonable doubt that an offense has occurred to impose a penalty.

Should the participant be found to have committed a breach, the Team Tennis Leadership Team will impose a penalty consistent with the severity and circumstances (for example, multiple infringements) which may result in a suspension or ban from UTR Sports events and/or use of the UTR Sports platform. A formal written warning may also be issued after a review of the information provided by all parties. Any conditions stated in the formal warning which are expected to be upheld are at the discretion of the Team Tennis Leadership Team.

Appeal Process

Those who wish to appeal a decision made by the Team Tennis Leadership Team may do so by following these steps:

  • Submit a Written Appeal:
    • Appeals must be submitted to within 7 days of receiving the decision communication. The appeal must include the participant's name, details of the decision being appealed, and the grounds for the appeal. Once the appeal submission is received, it will be forwarded to the Executive Committee. Members of the Executive Committee meet on an as-needed basis to review any appeals.
  • Appeal Review:
    • The Executive Committee will review the appeal and consider all relevant information, including any new evidence provided.
  • Decision:
    • The Executive Committee will issue a written decision within 7 days of receiving the appeal. The decision will either uphold the original decision, amend the penalty, or overturn the decision.
    • The decision of the Executive Committee is final and not appealable.

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